Now our website can be conveniently viewed on various mobile devices such as Smart Phones (including a dedicated design for iPhone) and WAP browsers. Thanks to Joomla creating a mobile version of AlloraCOM turned out to be an easy task!

We are happy to announce the opening of a new office in Raleigh, Glenwood South. Conveniently located on the second floor of Cafe Helios building where many of our customers have met with Allora's associates over the years. The new physical address of Allora is now: 413 Glenwood Ave | Second Floor, Raleigh

There was a nice turn out at the Catawba Chamber of Commerce event. Our new client "Hof Textiles" was on site and helped us pass out business cards and offer themselves as a reference for Allora Consulting. Off to a great start in a new area! We are looking to expand our client list and will update Facebook as new companies come on board. Here you can take a look at Michele's interview recently shown on TV :

November was an exciting month for us here at Allora Consulting. We took part in our first Cary Chamber Business Expo. This was an important opportunity for us to introduce ourselves to the area and to cultivate new relationships in and around Cary.

We are excited to introduce a new incarnation of the Allora Logo. Thanks to Nataly's hard work and bright talent we finally settled on a new theme that preserves some legacy of the original Logo and yet delivers a fresh, contemporary look. Along with the Logo we have upgraded the website as well: AlloraCOM has acquired both a new look and platform. We hope that you will like it as much as we do!
We are pleased to announce that a new employee, Michele Lake, will be joining our staff starting this week. She will assume the position of Director of Operations for Allora Consulting. Our newest employee comes to us with 18 years of business management experience. We believe she will be a valuable addition to our Company team and a resource for you as well.

Allora has been busy this winter, and now it feels like spring because Allora is blossoming.  We are happy to welcome two new Technicians, Martin Donate and Brian McSwain.

© 2025 - Allora Consulting